Best Flirting Text Messages For Women To Send To A Guy

Flirting Text Messages For WomenThere is no doubt about it, flirting text messages for women is the hottest searched for Internet phrase of words. In any language or cultural population, both men and women want to know about flirting text messages for women and men, equally.

In fact, while you might think that men ask about flirting more often than women, the reverse is often the case. And so, for all of you flirty women out there, the topic for this post will be about flirting text messages for women that they can send to a guy, as well as flirting strategies in general.

I’m sure you already know that guys aren’t that hard to turn on. In fact, they are notoriously easy to get worked up. But, while you want to flirt and have a little fun, you don’t want to seem like you are coming on to him too fast and you most likely want to be a little subtle.

So the trick here is to flirt, while letting him think that this has been his idea all along, and get him drooling after you.

How can you do that?

There are five basic flirting text messages for women categories for you to follow.

The first one is the ‘I’m hot and you know it,’ text. This one works well as your first text after you meet a guy. It should be brief and go something like this “Go wipe off the drool, I promise we’ll meet again soon!”

If you’ve had a date with the guy, another great texting tip is the reminder text. Just drop a simple text that says “my favorite part about last night was…Can’t stop wondering what will happen next time?’ This gets him really drooling for sure!

Cliff hangers are another great way to flirt through text. These are your unfinished sentences. They should include lines like, “If only you were here right now..” Of course, he is sure to text back wanting to know exactly what you mean, but to keep him interested, you have to stay coy and not give away an answer. You’ll have to text back answers like, “Oh, I can’t tell you..YET,” or “Don’t you think surprises are so much more fun?”

Remember, ladies, you know what turns a guy on and you know how to do that in person. Doing it in text is just a brief, faster version of what you already know. Teasing with what you have to offer is the secret, and with flirting text messages for women, less is usually more effective.

As a little side note, flirting text messages for women are fine, but I would highly suggest that your flirting endeavors do NOT include pictures of your…(fill in the blank), unless you don’t care if it ends up on your mother’s Facebook. There are much better, and much less risky ways to turn a guy on, without putting your reputation, and your goods, on display for the entire world.

I hope that this post on flirting text messages for women to send to a guy was useful for you. For more great text messaging techniques feel free to check this post on the text your ex back program.

I wish you the best!

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